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In order to grow your business, it is essential to implement sales strategies that fit your target. You can start integration with the tools you want using FowAPI. You can integrate your customers with FowCRM using Account APIs.

Create an Account

The v2 Account AddAccount endpoint should be used for account integration. For detailed documentation, visit Account.

Request Payload

"data": {
"name": "John Doe's Company",
"phoneNumber": "905525220174",
"email": "",
"description": "Lorem ipsum"
"customFields": {}


"success": true,
"items": "1e54284f-fbfe-48b3-bd9f-a9fd1b547d51"


Account Name is a unique value. If an account with the same name is created, an exception will be thrown as follows.

"message": "Account Name Exists!",
"isUserFriendlyMessage": true,
"key": "BadRequest"

Create Bulk Accounts

Bulk operations can be defined for all modules. The Account module also supports bulk operations. Bulk operations can take a long time. Therefore, notify url definitions can be made while starting the operation.

For more detailed information, the document Bulk Operation should be visited.

Request Payload

"url": "",
"headers": {},
"body": [
"data": {
"name": "John Doe's Company 3",
"phoneNumber": "905525220174",
"email": "",
"description": "Lorem ipsum"
"customFields": {}
"data": {
"name": "John Doe's Company 4",
"phoneNumber": "905525220174",
"email": "",
"description": "Lorem ipsum"
"customFields": {}

At the end of the Bulk Write process, the requests are queued and processed. Returns a token so it can be tracked. With this token, the status of the queue can be tracked.


"success": true,
"items": "1e542fbfa9fd1b547d51"

The TrackJob endpoint should be used to track the status of the queue.