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Contact Management

Contact module is used to record people's information and examine its relationship with the sales process. The difference between a contact and a lead is that leads are potential customers, but contacts are usually existing customers.

Create a Contact

The v2 Contact AddContact endpoint should be used for contact integration. For detailed documentation, visit Contact.

Request Payload

"data": {
"name": "John",
"surname": "Doe",
"phoneNumber": "905525220174",
"email": "",
"accountId": "02e0c9c1-1fef-4757-9a17-9abb92c3169b",
"department": "Development",
"title": "Backend Developer",
"description": "<p>Lorem ipsum</p>"
"customFields": {}


"success": true,
"items": "1e54284f-fbfe-48b3-bd9f-a9fd1b547d51"

Create Bulk Contacts

Bulk operations can be defined for all modules. The Contact module also supports bulk operations. Bulk operations can take a long time. Therefore, notify url definitions can be made while starting the operation.

For more detailed information, the document Bulk Operation should be visited.

Request Payload

"url": "",
"headers": {},
"body": [
"data": {
"name": "John",
"surname": "Doe",
"phoneNumber": "905525220174",
"email": "",
"accountId": "02e0c9c1-1fef-4757-9a17-9abb92c3169b",
"department": "Development",
"title": "Backend Developer",
"description": "<p>Lorem ipsum</p>"
"customFields": {}
"data": {
"name": "Jack",
"surname": "Doe",
"phoneNumber": "905525220175",
"email": "",
"accountId": "02e0c9c1-1fef-4757-9a17-9abb92c3169b",
"department": "Development",
"title": "Frontend Developer",
"description": "<p>Lorem ipsum</p>"
"customFields": {}

At the end of the Bulk Write process, the requests are queued and processed. Returns a token so it can be tracked. With this token, the status of the queue can be tracked.


"success": true,
"items": "1e542fbfa9fd1b547d51"

The TrackJob endpoint should be used to track the status of the queue.